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You are made of Star dust !

Writer's picture: Diwan Shaman SpiritDiwan Shaman Spirit

For the Q'ero Paqos (direct descendants of the Inca Priests), and many other shamanic traditions, it is clear that people are made of star dust. To be more precise: The Q'ero are convinced we come from the Pleiades (which is the closest star-constellation to our Mother Earth).

In essence: We come from outer space.... said differently: We are aliens.

It is not easy to grasp statements like “People are made of Star dust”.

Reality-perception of a Shaman differs from most Western people. Cultural, but mostly from the dimension they perceive the World.

For us in the West, the world is a rational, physical place. In many shamanic traditions, as also for the Q'ero, the world is seen from an intuitive, energetical dimension.

This document looks at this shamanic, spiritual statement from the point of view of an Astronomer and Chemist.

Going from the origin of the Universe (the Big Bang) to what you are right now – and what eventually will happen – with the elements you are made of.


Most easy to determine is to see what the human body is made of.

Expressed in mass/weight: People consist for approx. 70% of Water (H2O). H2O consists of 2 molecules of Hydrogen (H), 1 molecule of Oxygen (O).

Hydrogen consist of atomic mass of 1, Oxygen consists of atomic mass of 16

So mass-wise people mostly consist of Oxygen, as can be seen in this picture.

Expressed in volume: As water molecules are relatively light (compared to i.e. carbon molecules), about 85-95% of our volume is made of water molecules.

Looking at the similarity between the material your body is made of and what a river consists of, it makes you wonder how your body is solid and holds together.... But this is a different chapter.

Contrary what is commonly believed, a lot of what you see around you, consists of Oxygen. Actually, Oxygen is one of the more common elements in the Universe.

Before going to the origins of how star-dust came into existence, we’ll need to explain a couple of things.

How to measure ?

Spectroscopy was developed in the 18th Century. This is a method to determine which elements a light-emitting object (sun, stars, etc.) is made of, based on breaking its light. The light-wavelengths which come out, indicate what elements it is made of.

The base rule: Every element has got its own light-spectrum. The missing light-frequencies of the light-emitting object, corresponds with the material it is made of.

Examples of emission-spectrum of individual elements.

If we then look at the light-spectrum of the light emitted by our Sun, this is what it looks like.

What you see, is that the missing frequencies correspond with Hydrogen and Helium.

So to summarize: What we measure is the elements of light-bodies in the Universe.


Elements of the universe – The Periodic Table of Elements

The table of elements was originally founded by Dimitri Mendeleev (1834 - 1907).

It is structured based on the nucleus-size of the elements, to be precise, the number in this Table corresponds to the number of Protons in its nucleus.

What you can see, there are no missing numbers between 1 and 118.

What any Chemist you can tell you, is that the bigger the element, the more unstable the molecule. Any element bigger than 118 is so unstable, it will dissolve in seconds.

Based on this, and the fact there are no partial protons, we can conclude that this Periodic Table of the Elements represents the full list of elements in the Universe.


The Chemical Process to go from 1 Element into another - Fission & Fusion

There are 2 processes to come from 1 element to an other, both are called “nuclear reactions”.

The process of big elements breaking into small ones.

This is what mankind is able to do in a controlled way, and examples of this are nuclear power plants.

The process of small elements merging together to make bigger elements.

This process we cannot perform in a controlled way, only in an uncontrolled way.

An example of this is the hydrogen bomb.

For this process to start, it requires enormously high temperatures - for example H, He and Li i.e. require approx. 15 million degrees to start a fusion process.

For bigger elements, the temperature needs to be much higher - for example, it takes 100 million degrees to convert Helium to Carbon (He turns into Li, Be, B, and C).

An interesting remark here: According to physical laws, mass is conserved.

This does not fully apply to nuclear reactions.

0,7% of mass is lost and converted into energy (light, radiation, heat).

Without this, we would not see the Stars, and the Sun would also not heat up or shed light on the Earth.

It would be interesting to explore how nuclear reactions relate to the physical & energetical world coming together.


Stars - The Fusion Power-plants of the Universe

Stars create enough gravitational force to create the right mix of circumstances to start a fusion-process.

The elements available directly after the big bang were Hydrogen, Helium and Lithium.

Due to the very rapid expansion this caused, temperature cooled down too quick to form new elements.

Stars then, based on gravitation, brought again physical elements together. The more mass, the more the gravitational pull.

When the gravitational pull creates enough pressure on the core, the temperature increases.


1. the right elements are present

2. in the right aggregate-level (gas – so they can diffuse)

3. the temperature is high enough

a fusion-process starts, fusing the elements in the core into bigger elements.

When this happens…. a new star is born.

The fusion-processes in Stars are dependent on the size of the Star.

The more mass, the more gravitational pull, the hotter the temperatures, the bigger the elements which can be fused.

Small Star - Our Sun

Our Sun is a small sized star.

The Sun converts every second approx. 600 million tons of hydrogen into Helium.

Based on Spectroscopy we can measure which elements our Sun consist of. Based on the state of the Fusion-process, the age of our Sun can roughly be estimated at 4.5 billion years – half way through its life. When it’ll be 10 billion years old, all its fuel will have been converted (from Hydrogen to Helium).

During the Sun's lifetime, it is not big enough (read: does not generate high enough temperatures) to follow up and fuse Helium into bigger elements - such as Carbon.

By the end of our Sun's life, the fusion-process lacks fueling elements.

The gravitational force will win, the core of our Sun will contract, and it will turn into a Red Giant Star. The center will continue to shrink, the outer layers will puff out – probably will even reach the earth.

At a certain moment the molecules in the center cannot withstand the pressure anymore, and will collapse. Result: The center becomes unstable and blows its outer layers away.

But that did not happen yet.

The Earth only receives energy from our Sun, no elements.

So the material our body is made of (i.e. Oxygen and Carbon), we received from another Star.

Massive Star

The evolutionary path of a Massive Star is different than the one of a small Star, like our Sun.

The bigger mass creates more gravitational pull, creating more pressure in the core, generating higher temperatures, supporting fusion-processes in multiple layers of elements, also outside of the core.

The further away of the core, the smaller the elements. The fused elements are bigger and heavier and get drawn closer towards the core. The temperature here is also higher, so they get fused into even bigger elements, etc. – until Iron is reached.

Iron is the most stable element in the universe. Its molecular structure is the strongest. Fusion of 2 elements into Fe releases energy. Also breaking a bigger element into Fe and something else releases energy. To go the other way around costs energy.

To the right we see the evolutionary fusion-process of a Massive Star throughout its life.

In the last few seconds of the life of a star, the core collapses. The volume of the core is about the size of Earth, but 2 to 3 times the mass of our Sun.

Electrons are pushing back, but the gravity becomes stronger and stronger.

The Core becomes ever more massive.

In the last 3 seconds, the core of the star collapses, temperature sky-rockets, and all elements bigger as Fe (Iron) are created. It releases so much energy, it explodes and blows all created elements into outer space. We call it a Super Nova.

Now you know why gold is rare. It had only 3 seconds to be created.


Back to the Thesis: "You are made of Star Dust"

The elements your Body consists of, need to have been created after the Big Bang.

The Sun only radiates energy (such as light and heat), not elements.

In other words, Earth's Elements need to have followed the following path:

1. A smaller Star, pulling in Elements and fusing these smaller Elements into elements up to Oxygen.

2. After its life cycle, it projectiled these elements into outer space.

3. These elements arrived then at a Giant Star, big enough to fuse these elements into all Elements up to Iron.

4. After its life span, as a Super Nova, these elements were projectiled as asteroids into space, containing all known Elements

5. Which then come together and created Earth as we know it.

And in this process, bringing together the elements your Body is made of.

In short: You do consist out of Star-dust.

Very likely, originating from 2 or multiple Stars.

And as the Pleiades are the closest Star Constellation we've got and consists of thousands of Stars, the Q'ero Shamans could very well be right in their claim that we originate from the Pleiades.


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